๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ผ Great work. We should be able to ship much faster and fewer bugs now that we don't have to duplicate UI logic between the server render and the client-side code.
However, let's take a moment to look into the network management... Because it's not great.
First, we've completely abandoned progressive enhancement. It's mostly fine because all our users have JavaScript enabled, but now JavaScript enables our experience rather than enhancing it which means we have to have a loading screen while the user waits for our JavaScript to load (before they could submit the form as soon as the HTML loaded).
Secondly, we have a TON of code for managing the network request. What used to be handled nicely by the browser is now handled by our React code.
If only there was a better way to manage network requests...

No tests here ๐Ÿ˜ข Sorry.